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/ Newsbytes - International…ews 1983 May to 1995 May / Newsbytes News Network - International Computing Industry News 1995 Edition (1983-1995) (Wayzata).ISO / pc / jpeg / 950224_e.jpg < prev    next >
Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  1995-02-25  |  82KB  |  492x367  |  24-bit (90,457 colors)
Labels: apparel | bird | box | bulletin board | cabinet | car | case | crt screen | hakham | monitor | shelf | sky | stairs | tray | water
OCR: Cato Whating- Ponulstlon Then arid Nou Bloe Whale Population 250090 100000 Belery Hale BIM Whal iniroduchon Bi the animals on TE a0 2ST reach cUmeer 100 Iongatmaturt, Ineiructions a TE Whalinn opuls tlon Blue Wale ulation 230000 200000 BIWhA inirceuchon aroystanirals tfat Fusdon 75TC 3ome reschwer atmatre Jneiruetore